Did I call it or did I call it????

So just as I thought, I haven't exactly followed up with this blog but I am back and I will try.

I started writing a lot about my family and motherhood right after I had my first child Dillon, however it never made it to any sort of an organized place like a blog because I was a new mom, so I jotted it down wherever and whenever the thoughts came to me. A perfect example of this is that I was just reading a book I have read before and enjoyed and found this on the back few blank pages.....

"Incredibly blessed and child obsessed - my new mommy mantra!"

It is such a strange phenomenon to feel like YOUR life begins again when you are no longer focused on your life at all! It is so weird to me that you start to see how blessed you are at the exact time that all the things you previously thought blessed your life don't matter at all anymore.

I can honestly say that from here on out I may never get enough relaxation, sleep or time to myself & I may never be thin or fit again & I may always work harder and make less than I would like to give my child a certain lifestyle yet some how I am happier than I have ever been. I think this is due to the amazing shift in priorities that takes place once a child is born and also due to the realization of how precious life is.

Now don't get me wrong just because you have sex and a person pops out of your being you certainly don't have the answers to life or live better but speaking on my own behalf having a child changed my world entirely.

I try to be very conscious about everything now. I try to be conscious of those great parents around me, what they do that I would like to emulate and those things I don't. I want to do what works for him and us and not the next kid or what some website says, so far so good. We seem to have an amazing connection and he is my world without consuming it.

Although I am behind on phone calls & birthday presents I haven't forgotten my friends and the healing power of a girl's night out. Although I walk around like a tired zombie I haven't forgotten my husband and the quiet moments were we laugh like we are in college again without a care in the world.

It is hard and crazy at times but so much chaotic fun it is all worth it. I am not super mom, super wife or the employee of the month but I am "Dillon's mom" the one who bypasses chores to play instead & leave the house with wet hair if it means I get to spend 5 more minutes with him in the morning. I am also "Kelly" who refuses to lose herself, so I steal a few moments to do things for me whatever it may be . I am also "Aaron's wife" who on occasion forgoes the unbelievably comfortable grannies panties discovered during pregnancy in an effort to look cute. I try to keep a balance.

Though you won't find it in a baby book I find that being yourself flaws and all will make you a better mom. I hope to be an example of a real person to my children not the "hero" we think of our parents as that we will never be able to live up to.


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