What about the kids?

What about the kids? It's a question we hear often, a question we asked ourselves repeatedly before starting this process 3 years ago, when our bio kids were just 6 & 8. They have handled this all so beautifully so far that I almost want to quip, what about them? Obviously that wasn't our initial attitude, in fact we were quite concerned, concerned they may feel slighted, concerned they'd get attached and then have a hard time grieving, concerned we'd be introducing some tough topics into their little hearts and brains. So concerned that we almost didn’t do this, that we almost missed this and I cannot tell you how sad that thought makes me now. Like so much in life we quickly realized we worried for nothing, kids intuitively get vulnerable love, it's us grown ups that screw it up. Plus if you never afford your children the opportunity to feel slighted, to get attached, to deal with loss, to deal with all the heavy stuff, aren't you real...