Day dreaming about my unemployed, still single, 5 & 7 year old

So, I heard this quote a while ago (I am no stickler for details so I have no idea where it came from but it definitely wasn't my brain) "Parenting: the only job you try to work yourself out of." Wow!

For whatever reason that has stuck with me for a long time and I try to remember it daily. I also thank God daily that it's our job to work our way out of this job and they are truly His, because this nonsense can be exhausting!  It can be hard to focus on the big picture as the day goes on and we are all whirling around one another like something you'd see on Animal Planet. My mind can wander.

Often it wanders to what these little people may be like when they are older. What type of person they'll be, what they'll be like to interact with, as an employer or as a spouse.

Then I stop and think of all I have to do before sending these kids out to fend for themselves, and that can be overwhelming but also very centering. Because fact of the matter is I do have time and thank God because we're no where near ready on this home front. Still it's kind of funny and makes the task slightly less daunting when you keep your humor throughout this phase so today's day dream - What their resume or dating profile would read like now.
The short answer?
They would be unemployed and single.

Elyse's resume would read something like this:

Elyse Zarle 

I don't really like to....ya work.

She has really said this! On more than one occasion when given a chore she'll say it and just like that, very as matter of fact, like you must be confused or something.

(note to self - work on this, thankfully you have 13 years but you may need every bit of that)

Her dating profile would read something like this.

I love long walks on the beach, to collect rocks, mostly tiny tiny pebbles, hundreds of them and I leave them in my pockets for you to find when you do laundry, which again I really don't .....ya to "do work" so it will definitely be your discovery to be made. I also love to collect opened yet hardly even touched water bottles and half eaten apples, any where I have been my trail of half consumed food and drinks is surely there as well. I don't like to brag (yes I do) but I consider myself quite the collector of random food. In fact the other day my mom discovered raisins in my bed sheets, even though I am not supposed to eat in my room nor do I like raisins. Oh yeah, I should have mentioned that, I still live with my parents and probably always will. (see resume)

So clearly you'll never be bored with me, I always like to keep life interesting, take each day lightly. I am definitely also a "guys girl" basically what I mean by that is that I think farting is hilarious and I also spend most of my day trying to keep up with or beating up my big brother. Oh yeah, did I not mention that yet either? I am the youngest so I can be slightly contradicting.  Like, I like to be babied yet assert my dominance any chance I get so I hope you like to walk a fine line as much as you like to stroll along the beach. Can't wait to meet ya! ;)

Dillon's Resume:

Dillon Zarle

I work really hard, like really hard, I am a people pleaser work horse for at least the first 15 minutes then I like to .........

Oops sorry I got distracted, I think I saw an electronic.

Opps sorry I am back, yeah it was definitely an electronic. Like I was saying I want to be your best employee. As long as you pay with with the incentive of xbox time and I get to boss everyone in the office around.

Oh speaking of the office, you guys don't do that whole old fashioned sit-still, everyone has a desk kind of thing do ya? If so. I may be better suited for something else.

You can reach me at .......

..gotta go

Dill's Dating Profile

Hey Ladies! I am quite the catch if I say so myself, I will because I am quite boastful.

I have an amazing sense of humor! All my friends think I am hilarious. My mom says a general rule of thumb to keep yourself out of trouble is, 'if a 7 year old boy finds it funny it's probably disrespectful' and to curb my jokes as such but I disagree. Oh! That reminds me, another fantastic thing about me is I am what people call a "know it all" but it's ok because if you ask me,  I really do know it all.

I can also totally think outside the box for example, who needs napkins? That's what your shirts for! Such a problem solver, I am I am. I am also so literal I can find a loophole in any argument and will find a way to get my way every time. I know the ladies love that! It's a wonder I am single at all.

Anyways, I don't have much of an attention span so I gotta run, call me!

No really call me! I mean it! I am the oldest so I am not asking I am telling you too! :)

Whew! I shake off the day dream and think, I have my work cut out for me! lol

I do adore these children so and I know they will be amazing adults, hopefully not the kind of adults that go out for a profession that requires perfection or anything because I have been over-sharing like this their whole lives but you know amazing adults that are cool with having their stuff 'out there' nonetheless. ;)


  1. I love this post. U and your kids are great.


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