Ping Pong Politics
I’ve sat in the neutral zone listening to countless political rants for many years; now it’s my turn, so please hear me out. Also please note my personal political rant has little to do with actual politics and a whole lot more to do with human decency or to be more specific, the lack thereof. This babbling comes after many months, if not years, of watching both sides lob their opinions back and forth, like opposing sides engaged in what seems like the world’s most horrific Ping-Pong match, played with words that hit like grenades rather than friendly teammates. Back and forth my head has shook from side to side trying to follow the backhand, wracking my brain trying to figure out what each participant thought they were accomplishing with this aggressive way of playing. As quietly as possible I’ve sat on the sidelines wondering if there would be anyone left standing with their integrity in tact in the end. While I never want to live in a world where ...