Our Sick World

I think that all of us have had the same thought at some time or another this week. What a sick world we live in. Our world is sick. So very sick. No amount of cynical or inspirational posts with #lovemorehateless or #PrayForVegas will change that. I can hardly process it all, I just keeping thinking of how sick our world is. I feel stuck on that point, and as it goes round and round in my head my mind wanders to how we got here. Lately I've been thinking perhaps we've become sick because we've lost touch with the effort it takes to remain healthy. Just like the human body cannot maintain health simply with good intentions or a quick fix but rather requires sustained quality care, we must recognize that our society is a living-breathing organism that requires consistent care. We became complacent, gave up or hyper-focused on ourselves somewhere along the way. We now find ourselves enduring horrific symptoms of neglect. It's brutal out there ...