
Showing posts from 2015

Social Media Needs A Mama!

We live in a time full of social media and instant communication, that means everyone has a platform, everyone is saying something all the time and to the masses!  If you really stop to think about that, it's a powerful position granted to anyone and everyone, yet it's not treated as such, people are not acknowledging the power of their words.  A few clickity click clicks on our phones and we are carelessly representing ourselves to the world in a way that's not always flattering and often times offensive. Most  people are putting more thought into how they look in their profile pictures on these platforms rather than how they choose their words and what those words evoke in others as they speak their mind.  This creates some very controversial, not nearly as productive  conversations.  I am very outspoken and can totally be the offender but it still lead me to wonder. What if we spent as much...

Lessons learned from my first half-marathon

So I ran my first half-marathon today! No really I did. This girl, ME, who in the past has said "I don't understand why anyone would ever run, let alone PAY to run" paid a registration of $75 months ago and then trained my tail off to RUN! What?!?! AND I lived to tell about it! So tell about it I shall. Like forever and ever, over and over, and over again I will totally be that girl that's like, "oh yeah when I ran my first half-marathon........" anytime I can slip it into a conversation. Then surely there will be some girl in the room that's all like "I don't understand why anyone would ever run, let alone PAY to run" and I'll be like "oh girl let me tell you I said that too but really let me tell you about running!" I will probably always try and recruit people for running from here on out but don't worry I won't do it talking like a valley girl that's just something I do in my head while writing. I don'...