What's Your Bedside Mini Fridge?

Today was a great meeting of the minds with some girlfriends and as usual we all discussed our lives. Today I discussed openly the problem I have with negativity, not just my own but others and how when I am trying to be positive how their negativity drives me nuts. It’s truly a great group of women you are speaking with when you don’t just walk away feeling heard but also with sound advice. Two things stayed with me after our conversation, first that I can only control my behavior (although I take that as a challenge ;) lol and second that happiness is a choice and we all have to choose it for ourselves, I can’t make that choice for another. (again a challenge) I thought to myself, that what I can do though is live my boring little life in such a manner that people think, if she can be that happy all the time then I can too! Then I can pray that it makes it seem that much more attainable for themselves and they too will choose to find happiness. So that’s my challenge for myself ...