My Absolutes
So for my birthday I thought it would be fun to take a look back and see what the last ten years have taught me, I thought I would call it, a list of my absolutes.... A few “ absolutes” my twenties have taught me..... First thing I thought the last decade has taught me was.....There are no absolutes! Only someone with no life experience would think there were. ;) If you asked me ten years ago I would have told you I would ABSOLUTELY NEVER be a stay at home mom, I would never drive a mini van, I would never homeschool, I would never ever do X, Y and Z. Blah blah blah. I am. I do. I will. And I have done A through Z! But still just for fun....these are my “ absolutely-for-nows” ........ It is absolutely OK to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself! In fact it’s great, it means you are evolving. Why oh why do we think we know who we are so concretely, so young? Then we waste years (our twenties) trying so hard NOT to be someone “we’re not”....We essentia...